
Feature Specification
Model Number UPO3352E
Bandwidth 350MHz
Channels 2 Analog
Real-Time Sample Rate 2.5GSa/s
Rise Time ≤1ns
Memory Depth 250Mpts
Waveform capture rate 1,000,000wfms/s
Input impedance(analog channel) (1MΩ± 2%)||(18 pF± 3 pF)
Waveform Generator No
Display 8-inch 800x480 capacitive touch display
Warranty 3 years
Shipping Dimensions (L x W x H)  370mm×185mm×115mm
Shipping Weight 4.5 kg
Documents English download guide, multi-language safety manual, calibration report (COC)
Included Accessories Power cord, USB2.0 printing cable, Passive probe 500MHz * 2(UT-P07) or 350MHz * 4 (UT-P08)
For additional product specifications, please refer to the attached PDF.




Model UPO3504E UPO3502E UPO3354E UPO3352E
Bandwidth 100MHz 350MHz
Channels Analog 4  Analog 2 Analog 4 Analog 2
Real Time Sample  2.5GSa/s
Max. Memory Depth 250Mpts
Waveform Capture Rate 1.000,000wfms/s
Waveform Generator No
Price - - - -
Model MSO3352E MSO3354E MSO3502E MSO3504E
Bandwidth 350MHz 500MHz
Channels Analog 2 Analog 4 Analog 2 Analog 4
Real Time Sample  2.5GSa/s
Max. Memory Depth 250Mpts
Waveform Capture Rate 1.000,000wfms/s
Waveform Generator No
Price - - - -
Model MSO3354E-S MSO3504E-S
Bandwidth 350MHz 500MHz
Channels Analog 4 +Digital 16
Real Time Sample  2.5GSa/s
Max. Memory Depth 250Mpts
Waveform Capture Rate 1.000,000wfms/s
Waveform Generatore Yes
Price - -

Related Documet

User Manual

MSO/UPO3000E User's Guide
  • Language: English
  • Version: V1.0
  • Release Date: 2024.08.06

  • Datasheet

    MSO/UPO3000E Series Datasheet-EN
  • Language: English
  • Version: V1.1
  • Release Date: 2024.08.06

  • Programming Manual

    MSO/UPO3000E Programming Manual
  • Language: English
  • Version: V1.0
  • Release Date: 2024.08.06

  • Quick Guide

    MSO/UPO3000E Quick Start guide
  • Language: English
  • Version: V1.0
  • Release Date: 2024.08.06

  • Software

    Device Manager
  • Version V2.6
  • Release Date: 2024/08/08

  • Firmware

    MSO/UPO300E Firmware
  • Version V2.10.0111
  • Release Date: 2024/05/22

  • MSO/UPO3000E Firmware
  • Version V2.05.0087
  • Release Date: 2023/07/21

  • MSO/UPO3000E Firmware
  • Version V2.07.0093
  • Release Date: 2023/09/05
  • Customer Reviews

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